Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jezzie in Blackberry hat

Jan's mother made this cute little 'blackberry' hat for Hailey, but it turned out too small. It fit Jezzie very well and she looked very cute in it. Plus she seemed delighted to wear it. (Another blackberry hat, in a larger size, is almost finished.)

Tumblebug Fire

Tom is down on the Tumblebug Fire (Oakridge area). It started out at 300 acres and has grown to over 10,000 acres. As of this weekend, it's only 5% contained. Tom's working as the Information Officer. Some of these photos Tom took. The last photo is one that I took when Betty and I were leaving Sunriver after a little 3 day mini-vacation. We were driving back to Eugene. We stopped at the Fish Lake rest stop and the air smelled smoky and in the distance smoke hung around the hills and the trees.

Root family

This is a photo from June 2008, but I like it a lot so I'm posting it now. Terra has been having a lot of pain and is on medication to reduce the inflammation. She's loved and supported by her wonderful husband and special children.

Gunderson's in Indonesia/ September 2009

We enjoyed watermelon and mango drinks at the swim up bar. As you can see we are really suffering here in Indonesia:) But seriously, this was a nice treat! We want to do something special like this for our Birthdays. It will ensure some quality family time. IT's amazing how much fun you can pack into 24 hours!

Nathan loved the pool. It was his first time swimming since we lived out at camp harlow. He loved his little boat he could float in.

We get fresh milk in little bags delivered to us twice a week. We then cook it. Nathan loves being my helper. He likes to help me stir it. As you can see we bought some, ehem rather large underwear for him. Yep, he's in big boy pants these days. Just a couple days of training and he's got the hang of it. We didn't realize the underwear would be that big, but it does make it easier for him to pull up and down all by himself! We were thrilled to finally find a potty chair in a store as opposed to the squatty potties they have for kids. He still sleeps in diapers for naps and bedtime, but otherwise, he's pretty good at staying dry all day.

Ratzlaff kids (summer 2009)

Hailey turns 3 years old!